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We’ve come up with a new generation of machines, designed for lower consumption of power and operational fluids. FERMAT promote industrial competitiveness, innovations and higher environmental quality of products. 

Responsibility for our products

Our company policy conforms to world-wide demand for products that reduce consumption of energy and other natural resources. FERMAT is characterized with clear responsibility, mutual respect and trust. The new generation of FERMAT machines is designed to reduce, in the greatest possible amount, the consumption of power and consumable media, such as compressed air, oil, or grease. 

Protection of the environment

With appropriate design of the machines FERMAT oblige to effectively contribute to maintainable development with respect to the environment. Our company is based on mutual relations, cooperation and exchange of knowledge and skills between professionals from various fields. We strive to continuous improvement; we bind ourselves to transparency and to proactive control of innovations in safe and superior environment. Characteristic trait of this control is the innovative attitude and commitment to provide a service to society. We take part in protecting the environment that we live in, motors in our machines meet the legal enactments of eco-design - Regulation on electric motors and variable speed drivers (EU) 2019/1781 and therefore by keeping the minimal norms for energetic efficiency, contribute to reduce our impact on the environment. All this significantly supports the goal of achieving energetic efficiency as stated by the EU.